
Monday, November 23, 2009

The 21st birthday

" Yay" I exclaimed. It was my cousins 21st birthday. We had to get ready and get our make up done. I stared at the key that we were going to give to her. It really looked beautiful because it had her picture in it. It had engraved on it: To my beautiful daughter

We were at the restaurant  and it was full. It looked like it was like a concert. I went and sat down on the table while everyone was playing. I just looked at the birthday cake it was so huge. It was like a tower. Everyone started gathering around the table & the cake. The prayer was my aunty and she prayed in a different language and the language was Cook Island.

"Time to blow out the candles" I whispered. Instead of my cousin blowing out the candles, I got to blow out the candles. It was an honour . I blew out the candles and everyone cheered.  My cousin cut the cake and we ate together. Munch Munch. 

It was the end of the day and I was so full.
It was so cool. I cant wait for My 21st birthday.

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